Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I'm back!  I know I've been gone for several months, but here I am again. I'm hoping to post like I was in the beginning. I'm not really working on my own stories still; I'm still writing the Fanfic. I'm just so in love with the Queer As Folk boys.
The Girl Scout year has ended. It coincides with the public school year. My daughter bridged this year from Brownies to Juniors. She was so excited. Our troop had a busy two years as Brownies. Our entire troop bridged this year with us, which was cool. My son is joining Cub Scouts this fall. He is excited. He's had to go to all the G/S stuff with his sister for the past three years and is excited to have his own thing to do.
Their home-school year has circled around. My daughter is now in 4th and my son in 1st.
We have company this summer. My mother and my niece are staying with us. My niece is happy to be with us, with me. She is basically a mini-me. So our house is full.
I'm hoping to start working on publishing my Blair book. I have to get the 'school' year planned out for my kids first. We work under a very loose plan base, but I do try to plan out what we're doing each month, even if I don't always plan it more indepth every month. Anyway, as soon as I get all of that done, should be in a week, I'm going to start editing on Blair's book. My biggest trouble with hers is that I'm not sure about the title. As of right now it's : In It For Blood. It's a paranormal/horror/mystery type.
So...... that's all I can think to say for now. Hopefully will be posting again this week.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sorry I've been MIA. Life has been crazy here.
I hate to admit that I have done nothing on any of my normal stories. I have become engrossed in FanFic the past two weeks, both reading and writing it. So I apologize if I stay away again. You can check out my Fanfic at

I'll try to be back on soon!