Wednesday, August 28, 2013

So... Valerie kind of stalled out on me. She still wants a little attention, but not enough to keep writing with her. I think she's a little jealous because her friend Seth has been getting some attention. I've written a few tidbits from his point of view, from random moments in his life. I've even got a 7 page piece, though some of it is from Val's view. I like Seth, but I have to be careful with him. He's just emotionally fragile (I guess that would be a decent term) that getting into his head pulls me a little too deep and I feel his sadness, because most of his tidbits are from points when he's upset over something.
I'm back with Spencer for now. I'm having to revise the first 35 pages I had of him. I had originally been writing form third person with him, but like I said in a previous post, I was told his should be first person just like Rina's. So that's what I've been working on today. I'm not really changing what I have, but certain things have to be said differently, and he has his own thoughts he wants to add.
Things have been a little rough, which is why I haven't posted in more than two weeks. School started back, which means my schooling with my kids has picked back up too. My daughter is in Girl Scouts and that has resumed as well, and I work with the girls. I have been trying to write, but spent a lot of time trying to make Val work with me, much to my disappointment.
Well, I'm going to see if I can get a few more pages with Spencer done before heading to bed. Going to be an early bed tonight.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Yay!! A Witch is finally done! It's now on sale on amazon!
I am so happy. I'm still supposed to be working on Spencer's story.... and I will. As soon as Valerie lets me. This story isn't flowing as quickly as her last, but she's still demanding my attention.
Really I don't have a lot to say tonight other than being happy about A Witch being available. I am working with Valerie and she's ready to go to the party. This girl loves having fun.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I HATE finishing a story.
It's like my best friend leaving, even if it's just for a little while.
Yep, I finished Valerie's story.  :)  I struggled that last three pages, hating to end it. I love her and the people around her. But I had to do it. It is not her end though. She gets at least one more story.
On that statement, I started her next story. I tried to go back to Spencer and revise what I have of his story. I need to work on his. Valerie though, she just wants to go on. We're already 10 pages into her new story and we're looking forward to this. Things are going to be different for her, away from her parents. I think we're going to have fun.
I am going to try and get some work done with Spencer, but when a story is flowing like Valerie's have been, it's hard to refuse.
I have written a small piece from her best friend's point of view, a short bit that mostly happens away from everyone, but it gives an insight to him that he doesn't fully express around her. He is just so complicated that I had to delve into what and how he thought.
Well, I'm going to try to go to bed. I to do it when I'm on a roll, but morning does come early around here.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Ramble

Again only two pages so far today. (last time i said this though i went on to punch out ten more pages before bed) I have once again gone back and read what I have so far. I hadn't realized how big a part her best friend has in all of this. Now, he does live with her family (kind of like a servant/family member) so he is around a lot, but there is a lot going on between them. He is getting attention because who he is is important to her. I just hadn't realized how big a role he is in her life.  I like him though. He is complicated (which is why he spends a lot of time talking with Val), but sweet. And hot. :)  I've brought in a character from Kat's story, one who comes in at the end of Blood Natured. I didn't want to have a bunch of stuff reflecting to Kat's time, but this woman really fits with Valerie. It's also been fun taking my young lovers from Blood Natured and making them parents.
I finally got an answer to my Spencer problem, about to write it from 1st or 3rd person. My niece again, since she'd read Rina's for me, said it would be better to do 1st person again. She loves that she got to make an important decision on a book.
I did have to burst her bubble about Valerie's story. Valerie is my niece's name and I told her if the story was a teen she'd read it first, to give me her opinion. There is NO way she can read it. She's 14 and I'm placing this story at 18+. There is too much sex and sex talk for 16 in my opinion.
She's been promised to proof read Spencer's story.  It's nice to have someone at my target audience to read the story and get their opinion.
A Witch is under last review! It should be available soon!
Well, I'm going to see if Valerie is ready to talk again.